August & September Retreat 2023

August & September with Zawa Rinpoche
In Southwest England.


Spiritual Guides and Healers

Zawa Tulku Rinpoche

Known and loved by his friends and international students for his humor, kindness, and deep perception.

Zawa Tulku Rinpoche was born in 1978 in Dharamsala, India. When Rinpoche was 5 years old, he entered the Buddhist monastic university Gaden Shartse, as instructed by the renowned junior tutor of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche.

 From then until the age of 21, Rinpoche’s life was dedicated to monastic studies under the many great Lamas of Gaden, such as Geshe Gelek Gyatso and his root Guru, Geshe Tsultrim Tenzin. Countless commentaries and teachings on sutra and tantra were conferred to him there.

 Later he was recognized by various Yogis and high Lamas as the incarnation of the previous Zawa Geshe Rinpoche, who was born in Chatreng in the Kham province of Tibet and studied at Gaden Shartse monastery, Tibet. 

In 2001, still under the guidance of his teachers, Rinpoche began to travel the world, visiting Tibet several times where he met and received precious initiations and teachings from high Lamas who had remained there. Returning to the world outside of the Himalayan region, at the request of Dharma centres, he has travelled worldwide giving teachings and initiations and constructing sacred sand mandalas. Geshe Tsultrim Tenzin, Zawa Tulku Rinpoche’s root guru, instructed him to serve the Buddhist community in Canada in 2003, where he took on the role as a resident teacher at Tsongkhapa Meditation Center. Now Zawa Tulku Rinpoche travels mainly to UK, Europe, North America and Southeast Asia at the request of his students, followers and Dharma friends to teach and conduct rituals]


Angela Long a qualified homeopath and student of the Late Lama Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche from 1989 until he passed away in 2020. Will be teaching Lama Gangchen’s Self-Healing Methods during the retreat.

These methods contain the essence of the Buddha’s Tantric teachings in a condensed form suitable for the modern world.

Practicing self-healing enables us to:

Purify body, speech and mind.

Recover from tiredness in the gross, subtle and very subtle bodies.

Recharge cell and atom energy.

Transform negative emotions to positive ones.

Relax and wake up.

Angela has been teaching Self-Healing internationally since 1993 Combining visualization, mantra and mudra we discover how to dissolve blockages in our subtle channels, releasing trapped energy and assisting us in realizing our potential.

Angela Long

Glastonbury: Green Tara retreat and empowerment 25th/26th/27th August

The Avalon Room, Glastonbury Experience, Glastonbury

Enquiries, information and booking for Green Tara retreat in
Glastonbury please e mail Mike Jones on


Friday 25th August 7pm

Welcome and introduction.

Saturday 26th August

10am – 12 noon introduction to Green Tara

12- 2pm – Lunch

2-5 pm – Green Tara Empowerment 

5-7pm – Supper

7pm – 9pm Self-Healing & practice

Sunday 27th August

10am – 12 noon Self-Healing and Green Tara practice.

12-2pm -Lunch

2-4pm – Practice and understanding Green Tara

7pm – Questions and answers


Evening of Friday 25th August £10

Empowerment practice and teachings 26th & 27th August

Donations between £60 and £100 please

Mells Retreat
2nd & 3rd September
Continued 9th & 10th September

For all further information and to book please e mail

Teaching will start after lunch and continue into the evening; the empowerment and fire puja will be in the evening; this will allow people who work in the week or have children to attend. It isn’t necessary to come for the whole event, feel free to come and go as comfortable for you. Quiet children are welcome.

This retreat is designed to be more relaxed and informal with access to Rinpoche for private talks (by appointment) or questions.

To make the Buddhist teachings accessible we are requesting a donation of between £25 and £150, please, towards our costs and Rinpoche’s humanitarian work.

There is a tea garden and pub as well as a village café and shop in Mells serving food and weather permitting we will enjoy some teaching and a fire puja outside so please bring picnics if wished.

September 2nd

10am – 12noon Lam rim teachings

2-5pm – yamantaka (An emanation of the wisdom deity manjushri)water purification & self-healing

September 3rd

10am – 12 noon lam rim (understanding Buddhist philosophy)

2-5pm Lama choepa (guru puja) understanding relationship to guru, self-healing

September 9th

10am – 12noon Lam rim

2-5pm Green tara practice and self-healing

September 10th

10am – 12noon lam rim

2-5 pm Vajradaka fire puja, a special purification of our negativities  


Donations between £25 and £150 please

To Book Please Email:

Enquiries and bookings please email